Read about our latest changes and updates to the platform
As a young startup trying to innovate, we really value input and suggestions from our users. If you see anything here that you want to know more about, or you have ideas for a feature that we’ve not added yet, please contact us and share your thoughts.
Deepfake Seeds
Deepfakes are actively being used to scam organizations like yours. How confident are you that your team can spot a convincing deepfake in action? If your defenses fail, are your security controls strong enough to stop the attack? If you’re unsure, we’re here to help.
Integrations Marketplace
We already put our alerts into a marketplace format, so we’ve done the same for all integrations and we’ll continue to add future integrations to the marketplace
AWS Seeds
AWS Seeds are cloud-native decoys that mimic your real AWS-hosted data and assets. Strategically planted in your environment, these decoys are indistinguishable from legitimate data to attackers.The catch? They’re entirely fake and exist solely to act as traps. If someone interacts with them, it’s an immediate signal that something’s wrong.
Changes #5
Latest updates from seedata.IO
EC2 Honeypots
We now offer EC2 honeypots in multiple personalities, installed via cloudformation to your AWS tenant
Alerts Marketplace
Add new, edit or delete alert integrations from our new marketplace
All network interactions now captured as “signals” and made available within an event
Honeypot Personalities
We’ve added a range of personality options to our honeypots, so you can choose what they look like to your attackers
Changes #4
Honeypots for all major cloud hosting platforms (and Raspberry Pi’s). Customisable message content sent as an alert. An open invitation to join us on the 19th of September for the final showcase!
Changes #3
Fingerprints, better AI for DOCX seeds, product tours & support and a conference in Barcelona