Myth Busting

Let’s discuss some of the common objections to using Deception Technology, and our thoughts in response

We’ve spoken to a lot of people about deception technology and its place in their cybersecurity strategy. Some already have it, some are considering it, but many are reluctant, for a mixture of reasons. Here, we tackle some of those reasons and present our counterpoints to the more common objections.

As part of your cybersecurity strategy, deception technology is an innovative approach that offers significant advantages. However, despite its potential, many organizations remain hesitant to adopt it. Through numerous conversations with security professionals, we’ve identified several common objections to using deception technology. Here, we aim to debunk these myths and demonstrate why deception technology deserves a place in your cybersecurity strategy.

Objection 1: “Deception Technology is Too Complex to Implement and Manage”

Myth: Deception technology is perceived as complicated and resource-intensive, requiring specialized skills and continuous management.

Reality: While deception technology initially involved complex setups, modern solutions like are designed for ease of use. Our platform provides intuitive interfaces, automated deployment, and seamless integration with existing security tools. The implementation process is streamlined, allowing even those with limited technical expertise to deploy and manage deception assets effectively. Additionally, automated updates and centralized management tools reduce the ongoing administrative burden.

Objection 2: “It’s Expensive and Not Worth the Investment”

Myth: The cost of deploying deception technology is seen as prohibitive, with doubts about its return on investment.

Reality: Investing in deception technology can actually save money in the long run. By reducing false positives and providing high-fidelity alerts, deception technology minimizes the time and resources spent on incident response. This efficiency translates into cost savings. Furthermore, the early detection of threats can prevent costly breaches, making the initial investment in deception technology highly worthwhile. Compared to the financial and reputational damage of a data breach, the cost of implementing deception technology is minimal.

Objection 3: “It Only Catches Unsophisticated Attackers”

Myth: Some believe that deception technology is only effective against low-level threats and unsophisticated attackers.

Reality: Deception technology is designed to detect a wide range of threats, including advanced persistent threats (APTs) and sophisticated cyber attacks. By creating a dynamic and unpredictable environment, deception technology can confuse and trap even the most skilled attackers. The intelligence gathered from these interactions provides valuable insights into attacker tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), enabling organizations to bolster their defenses against future attacks.

Objection 4: “It Adds More Noise to an Already Overwhelmed SOC”

Myth: There’s a concern that deception technology will generate additional alerts, contributing to alert fatigue within the Security Operations Center (SOC).

Reality: On the contrary, deception technology is designed to reduce noise by providing high-fidelity alerts. Interactions with deception assets are highly indicative of malicious activity, which means alerts from these interactions are much more likely to be true positives. This precision helps SOC teams focus their efforts on genuine threats, improving their overall efficiency and effectiveness.

Objection 5: “We Already Have Enough Security Measures”

Myth: Organizations often feel that their existing security measures, such as firewalls, antivirus software, and SIEM systems, are sufficient.

Reality: While traditional security measures are essential, they often rely on known threat signatures and can struggle with zero-day attacks and sophisticated adversaries. Deception technology complements existing defenses by adding an additional layer of security that is proactive and adaptive. It provides a critical safety net, catching threats that may slip through traditional defenses and enhancing the overall security posture.

Objection 6: “It’s Just a Gimmick”

Myth: Some view deception technology as a flashy, non-essential tool rather than a serious security measure.

Reality: Deception technology has proven its value in real-world scenarios. Organizations using deception technology report significant improvements in threat detection, incident response times, and overall security resilience. The strategic deployment of deception assets provides actionable intelligence and real-time threat visibility, making it a powerful addition to any comprehensive cybersecurity strategy.


Deception technology is a powerful and practical tool that addresses many of the challenges faced by modern cybersecurity teams. By debunking these common myths, we hope to encourage more organizations to consider integrating deception technology into their security strategy. At, we are committed to making deception technology accessible, effective, and easy to manage, helping you stay one step ahead of cyber threats.

If you have any questions or would like to see how deception technology can fit into your cybersecurity strategy, contact us today. Let’s work together to build a more secure future.